Isaac Ritchey
Best Portfolio from Semi-Finals
Central Michigan University
$1,000 Scholarship
- Central Michigan wide receivers and roommates JaCorey Sullivan, left, and Kalil Pimpleton compete against each other in a footwork drill during a workout May 15 at Kelly/Shorts Stadium in Mount Pleasant, MI. On Aug. 8, the Mid American Conference became the first to cancel its season amid the coronavirus pandemic. Still, members of the CMU football team trained and even held flag football games to stay ready for the season.
- Morley/Stanwood High School senior Aiden McLaughlin, who lost his season track season, starts the second half of an 8-mile run on a gravel road as a dump truck passes by April 3 in Morley, MI. McLaughlin said the mostly straight stretch of road is perfect for long-distance running.
- Former Sanford resident Thomas Perrin makes his way through fallen debris Oct. 5 at his home in Sanford, MI. When floodwaters filled the Perrin home in May, they spent three nights in a hotel before moving into Haley's parent's garage.
"We lost part of our present and our immediate future in the water," Thomas said.
The couple will live in the makeshift space through the winter as they care for their newborn daughter. - Shepherd resident Morgan Painter takes a break from mask making to push her son Hudzyn, 7, on a tire swing as she holds her daughter Creedynce, 5, April 9 at her home in Shepherd, MI.
- A group of young protestors climb out of the back of a pickup truck before a rally being held in support of social reform June 7 at the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Reservation in Mount Pleasant, MI.
- Mount Pleasant High School senior Willem Mirange stands though his sun roof to view his picture on the hill outside the football stadium after receiving his cap and gown May 21 at Mount Pleasant High School.
- (Top left to right) Nathan Black and Josiah Carson (Bottom left and right) Annette Williams and Amanda Baker stand in the drive thru April 6 in the drive-through at Pixie Restaurant. The staff had just began to adapt to COVID-19 restrictions.
- Steve Wagester moves through a row of corn Sept. 6 at Wagester Farms. Wagester was winterizing his center pivot irrigation system.
- Mount Pleasant senior lineman Chase Preston, front left, and Brody Hovey embrace while senior lineman James Hoyt hoists a chair above his head after pitching a shutout against Midland Dow 21-0 Oct. 17 at Community Memorial Stadium in Mount Pleasant, MI.
- Central Michigan forward Rob Montgomery jumps from outside the painted area and attempts a layup in a 85-78 win against Western Michigan Feb. 1 at Read Fieldhouse in Kalamazoo, MI.
- Hartshorne was born with CHARGE syndrome and is given 24/7 assistance from a team of caregivers.
CHARGE is an abbreviation for several of the features common in the disorder: coloboma, heart defects, atresia choanae, growth retardation, genital abnormalities and ear abnormalities. - Jacob Hartshorne, 33, of Mount Pleasant stimulates his senses with a flashing disco light Oct. 27 at his home in Mount Pleasant, MI. Hartshorne has impaired hearing and vision, so he enjoys bright lights and textured items.
- Jacob Hartshorne, 33, of Mount Pleasant gets help from his father walking down a staircase Aug. 27 in his parent’s home in Mount Pleasant, MI.
Hartshorne's father Tim Hartshorne started studying CHARGE in 1989 after his child was identified as having it. Now, the Central Michigan University professor is considered an expert on CHARGE.
"We have always tried our best to give Jacob a life just like everyone else," Tim said. "Now, he has 24/7 homecare and a bunch of beautiful women looking after him." - Jacob Hartshorne, 33, lays in a window seat cuddling a glove while caregiver Kaity Zdybel tries to get him up to go outside Aug. 12 at the front of his home in Mount Pleasant, MI.
- Jacob Hartshorne, 33, of Mount Pleasant reaches out for caregiver Melanie Haste to help him get back to his feet after laying on the carpetAug. 27 in his parents bedroom in Mount Pleasant, MI. Because of his Kyphosis, it is good for Hartshorne to lay on his back. He receives physical therapy at least twice a day from caregivers during their shifts.
- Jacob Hartshorne, 33, of Mount Pleasant is toweled dry after sitting in his hot tub for almost 45 minutes Aug. 27 in the enclosed back porch at his home in Mount Pleasant, MI.
- Jacob Hartshorne, 33, of Mount Pleasant reaches for bottle before helping caregiver Melanie Haste make a smoothie Oct. 29 in the kitchen of his home in Mount Pleasant, MI. Hartshorne has difficulty swallowing things that are either too thick or too runny. It is important that his caregivers get the right consistency when blending his food or heavy coughing might follow.
- Lead caregiver Jacob Shuler helps Jacob Hartshorne steer his bicycle June 30 on the sidewalk outside his home in Mount Pleasant, MI.
Shuler said Jacob is always teaching the staff important lessons.
"The biggest thing that I've learned from Jake is patience," Schuler said. "With the nature of his cognitive disability, you sometimes have to take a step away and give him some time to process the situation." - Jacob Hartshorne, 33, of Mount Pleasant brushes his fingers across the top of his birthday cake May 14 while laying in the lawn outside his home in Mount Pleasant, MI. A socially distanced party was held to celebrate Hartshorne's birthday.
- Nancy Hartshorne hugs her son, Jacob Hartshorne, Aug. 27 during a visit to their home which neighbors his own.
- Jacob Hartshorne retreats to his bedroom after getting visibly upset with a caregiver because they wouldn’t help him to a third serving of chocolate pudding -- one of his favorite foods -- March 6 at his home in Mount Pleasant, MI.