Lead Family

The Jessup family has lived in 2 houses with lead contamination from an unknown source that has affected their growing children’s health. With 6 children under the age of 12, it is necessary that they are able to play outside, but are very limited in this opportunity. The children spend most of their time cooped up in the house doing crafts and reading. They are currently building a new house with 7 acres of uncontaminated land in Scottsville, KY. The transition has been hard on the family, and they are having trouble selling their old house because of the lead problem, but their new home will open up new doors for the welfare of the family.

Amy Jessup holds her youngest daughter, Hosannah, while Obadiah and Meah sit on the stairs in the back yard and are greeted by their sister Rebekah . Their back yard is the only place they can play outside because they added soil and hay to cover up some of the lead that contaminates the perimeter of their house.

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