Alumni 2007

2007 Championship Winners

Writing Winners

First Place Halle Stockton, Pennsylvania State University, $5,000 Scholarship
Second Place Daniel C. Ford, University of Memphis, $4,000 Scholarship
Third Place Megan G. Boehnke, University of Kentucky, $3,000 Scholarship

Radio Winners

First Place Danielle Wood, Brigham Young University, $5,000 Scholarship
Second Place Kimberly J. Saltmarsh, Hofstra University, $4,000 Scholarship
Third Place Melanie Overcast, University of Montana, $3,000 Scholarship

Television Winners

First Place Elias Johnson, Arizona State University, $5,000 Scholarship
Second Place Paul J. Gessler, Marshall University, $4,000 Scholarship
Third Place Amanda Goodman, Arizona State University, $3,000 Scholarship

Photo Winners

First Place Brian Lehmann, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, $5,000 Scholarship
Second Place Ben Fredman, University of Missouri, $4,000 Scholarship
Third Place Jonathan D. Woods, Western Kentucky University, $3,000 Scholarship