
According to the United States Census, there were 6.6 million children living with a grandparent in 2008. 482,000 of these grandparents have incomes below the poverty line. Lorrie and Lee Casto are part of that statistic. They are raising their daughter AmberÕs three children, Sonya, Paige, and Seth. Sonya is 9-years-old, Paige is 4 and Seth is 2.
Sonya, LorrieÕs oldest granddaughter, suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after her motherÕs boyfriend beat and emotionally abused her for years. ÒHe beat her so hard one day that his class ring was stamped into her face for a week,Ó Lorrie said. ÒI knew I had to get those kids away from her.Ó
This reality of grandparents raising their grandchildren is an increasing trend in America. With more parents being involved with drugs, going to prison, and being unfit to raise their children, grandparents are left to look after the kids. While this is an enormous amount to deal with while approaching old age, Lorrie wouldnÕt change a thing.
Sonya, 9, right, yells at her mother Amber after Amber told her mother to change her youngest son Seth’s clothes after he peed himself. “You’re his mother,” Sonya screamed. “Start acting like it!” Sonya is currently being raised by her grandmother because Amber is unfit to be a parent.

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