
A few weeks after Mohamad Sharib’s demise, Zahidah friends convinced her to join a English as a Second Language class provided by Catholic Charity in San Antonio. She thought having a place to go and doing something different for a few hours would relieve her sorrow. But due to recurring insomnia since the accident and deteriorating health, Zahidah finds it difficult to pay attention in class. Mohamad Sharib was scheduled to take his mother for a doctor’s appointment on July 7, 2017. But, after the tragedy no one had the time to take Zahidah to the hospital for the appointment. She often feels sick, but has not been able to be diagnosed and treated for her symptoms. She now spends most nights lying awake on the couch, flipping through his pictures and reading dua (prayer blessings) for Mohamad Sharib. She slowly rolls through the mornings; sleepless, tired and unable to do household chores.