2023-24 Television

2024 Television Championship

173 entries were submitted in the Features and News television competitions this year. The first-place
winners of those competitions qualified for the Championship. In addition, eight top finalists from those competitions submitted additional work for a semi-final round of judging. From that round, four additional finalists were selected to participate in the Hearst National Television Championship in San Francisco.

On Sunday, June 2, television finalists and judges met for orientation, a critique of the qualifying assignments and a review of the Championship assignment.

For the Championship assignment, the television finalists were asked to produce a story on the following topic: “What does work look like in 2024? Will it stay that way? What companies are being innovative in their approach to work? What’s the expectation of work for younger workers/older workers. Was that impacted by COVID? What does it mean for urban areas? How are cities like SF trying to deal with vacant buildings?”

The judges received the completed entries by Wednesday evening for review. The winners were announced at the awards ceremony on Thursday.

The first-through-third place winners were awarded scholarships of $10,000, $7,500, and $5,000 respectively.

The two finalists earned $1,500 scholarships each.

An additional $1,000 award for Best Use of Television was selected from the semi-final competition submissions.

The winners and finalists are featured below.


View Story
John Perik
First Place
Syracuse University
$10,000 scholarship


View Story
Tabitha Bland
Arizona State University
$1,500 scholarship

Additional Award

View Story
Denzen Cortez
Best Use of Television for News Coverage
Arizona State University
$1,000 scholarship