2014 – 2015 Radio Broadcast News Winners
This year, one radio competition was held in the News & Features category. The top winners from those 58 entrants qualified to participate in the Hearst National Radio Broadcast News Championship in San Francisco. The radio finalists were assigned to find an untold story about California’s unprecedented, widespread drought. The finalists’ radio packages were to include an anchor lead-in, a recorded wrap and a completed script to be presented as a piece for a radio network’s morning drive segment. The judges expected to receive a news piece, ranging between one to two minutes.
The judges received the completed entries by Thursday morning for review. The winners were announced at the awards ceremony that evening. The first-through-third place winners were awarded scholarships of $5,000, $4,000, and $3, 000 respectively and are featured below. The two finalists who earned $1,500 scholarship awards are: Logan Heley, University of Southern California and James Torrez, University of Florida. An additional award of $1,000 was given to Charles J. Shelton, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, for Best use of Radio for News Coverage selected from the monthly competition submissions.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
$5,000 award
Additional Awards

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
$1,000 award