2022 Multimedia Championship
This year marked the eleventh Hearst National Multimedia Championship. From the 265 multimedia entries received in the monthly competitions, five winners
qualified for this special event in San Francisco. The finalists met their judges on Friday May 20 for orientation, to review the assignment and to receive a critique of their work.
This year, the finalists were asked to produce a video piece of up to seven minutes about “the new social distance.” The finalists were tasked with exploring how people are transforming themselves post COVID in regards to security, psychology, and identity.
The first-through-third place winners were awarded scholarships of $10,000, $7,500, and $5,000 respectively.
The finalists earned a $1,500 scholarship.
An additional $1,000 Multimedia Story of the Year Award was selected from the monthly competition entries.
The winners and finalists are featured below.

University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
$5,000 scholarship
Additional Award

University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
$1,000 scholarship